Reporting safeguarding concerns in football
If you are worried about a child or adult at risk, you must report your concerns. Doing nothing isn’t an option.
Safeguarding in football is always the priority. It’s vital to speak up and report any concerns.
You may have seen or heard something, or someone may have disclosed something to you. But, don't worry; support is always available when you report concerns.
We've created a five-minute learning session to help you when reporting. This will help you understand:
- what to do if you have a safeguarding concern
- the ways you can report your safeguarding concern
- what to expect after you report a concern.
Start the learning session
If something doesn't seem right, tell someone. We all need to be able to recognise, respond to, and report concerns. This helps to prevent others from coming to harm and keep them safe.
Record the details of your concerns in a safeguarding referral form (guidance note 2.2). Then, work with your CWO or DSO to minimise potential and actual risks. Seek support for yourself if you need to.
There are several ways to report concerns. Speak to your CWO or County FA DSO. In an emergency, contact the police or children's services. They'll always take your concerns seriously. Plus, they can help you to decide what to do next.
By reporting, you ensure football becomes safer for everyone involved.