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Two players during a match

The Greater Game

Improving the health and wellbeing of 12-16 -year-olds by encouraging them to make one healthier action per week.


Introduction to Coaching Football





60 minutes

Minimum Age:




Get started

About the course

The Greater Game aims to improve the health and wellbeing of 12-to-16-year-olds by encouraging them to make one healthier action per week.

This means taking a holistic approach that covers moving well, eating well, sleeping well, and thinking well. As coaches, we are uniquely placed to support young people with this change.

This e-learning programme has been designed specifically to help you influence and empower the young people you coach to live healthier lives. 

Important information

The course is designed to work on mobile, tablet, laptop or desktop. For the best experience, choose a newer device with a large screen – and make sure your operating system and browser are up to date.

Find out more about The Greater Game

Course modules

What is The Greater Game? (10m)

This module will introduce The Greater Game, including why it’s been developed and the impact we hope it has.


The role of the coach (10m)

This module will help you understand your role in The Greater Game, as well as giving you tools and tips on implementing the programme in your own club.


Move well (10m)

This module will take you through the benefits of moving well, and give you tips and resources to use with your players to get them moving more, both on and off the pitch.


Eat well (10m)

In this module, we’ll take a look at eating well. We’ll look at some nutrition facts and ways you can encourage your players to eat better and drink more water. 


Sleep well (10m)

This module is all about encouraging better sleep, both in quantity and quality. It will explain some of the science behind good sleep and give you resources and tools to use with your players. 


Think well (10m)

In this module, we look at mental health and thinking well. We’ll take you through some of the issues young people face at this age and stage of development, as well as how you can empower them to think better. 

Frequently Asked questions