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Published 14 June 2024 5 min read
England Men's Senior Team

Eberechi Eze ready to have his say at EURO 2024

Written by:

Adam Drury

The midfielder missed out with injury three years ago but believes he can help inspire England this summer

After suffering EURO 2020 injury heartbreak, Eberechi Eze is determined to make an impact in 2024.

The Crystal Palace attacker was due to be selected in Gareth Southgate's preliminary squad for the tournament three years ago only to rupture his Achilles on the day that he received the message confirming his call-up.

Eze has wasted no time in returning to form since that setback, though, and believes it has made him a stronger person in the long run.

He said: "My Achilles has been ruptured on the training pitch, I go inside, check my phone, and see that provisional text. It was a tough day. I had to deal with the emotion of what could have been and all that type of stuff. I was watching the tournament with a cast on my foot and of course you start overthinking because it was my first big injury. I was imagining being there.

"It was a tough experience but they make you stronger. They build your character. I don't think I'd have the mentality I have now without an experience like that.


"I remember speaking to loads of people who said it would be six months, nine months, whatever. In the end I returned to full training in four and a half months."

This time, receiving the same text prompted a different range of emotions after a campaign in which he scored 11 goals for Palace, having made his senior international debut against Malta in June 2023.

Eze said: "I try to let go of the stuff that's happened before and not focus too much on it. When I got the text I was full of gratitude, I know others would love to be here in this position. My style of play, the type of person I am, I just want to enjoy this opportunity. I'm not seeing it as lucky that I'm here, I'm seeing it as the work I put in over the whole season got me here. I'm ready to do my thing.

"It's difficult to get into this squad, the talent level all over the pitch is insane. Being in the 26 is a challenge in itself and anybody would be grateful to be here because the person over your shoulder is just as good."

Eze is one of four Palace players selected in Southgate's EUROs squad, alongside Dean Henderson, Marc Guehi and Adam Wharton.

Adam Wharton and Eberechi Eze are teammates for club and country

The 25-year-old credits the Eagles for that, as well as the individual talent of those players.

He said: "It's testament to the club. The work Palace are doing is incredible, we're on a journey and we're becoming better and better. Having them here is a huge achievement.

"Marc [Guehi] is an incredible player and incredible person. He's ready and you can see it in the way he handles himself. He's a leader and for someone his age is extremely mature. I have no question about him. I know he's capable of doing what he's been called up to do. He's strong, he's fast, he's smart. He's good with the ball and incredibly reliable.

"Adam [Wharton], too, from his first training session you could see he's got something. The way he carries himself. The way he speaks, the type of character he is, you can see he's got an old head on young shoulders. He can handle these occasions and can mentally cope. Having a player like him helps massively because he's always looking forward, he can play with one touch and he's extremely comfortable. He knows his next pass."

Eberechi Eze and Phil Foden train together for England
Eberechi Eze and Phil Foden train together for England

Three of Eze's four international appearances have come as a substitute and he knows that England's strength in depth may mean he is used in that role during the matches in Germany.

But coming on to change games rather than influence them from the start would not be something that fazes him.

He said: "It's not just about the XI in any football match, it's about the whole team. The culture, the collective. You win a tournament as a collective. We know that players come onto the pitch and there's a way to go about it. There's importance in that role and it's something we've got in the group.

"Everybody understands that and is putting their ego to one side to focus on what's important."

Adam Wharton on EUROs call-up