Benefits of playing futsal for young players
Training your team over the winter? Indoor futsal is the perfect game to play. FA youth coach developer, Ian Bateman, gives 10 reasons why.
1. Indoor work provides new chances to learn
Taking training indoors lets you put the learning objectives and session plan on the wall. You can ask players to write feedback or ideas on a chart too. Outdoors, the weather can make these aspects of coaching a no-go.
Being inside lets you take your time as well. One of the benefits of playing futsal is that there's no need to rush through the session to keep players warm.
2. Futsal is a great starting point for indoor play
With a smaller pitch, no walls and a ball that's smaller and heavier, futsal demands a lot from players. But it’s these constraints that draw out futsal’s positive returns: technical, tactical, physical, psychological, social, and more.
And futsal lets players get stuck straight in, with minimal messing around.
3. The constraints help develop players
More challenges mean more development. More enjoyment too.
Playing 5v5 in tight areas is hard full stop. And take the futsal rule that the ball must not be passed straight back to the goalkeeper after it’s been distributed.
Immediately, this creates an underloaded situation of 4v5 in favour of the defending team. The players in possession must now deal with receiving and keeping the ball under pressure.
4. The ball is easier to control
At the top of professional football, players often receive the ball with the sole of their foot. This lets them manipulate it quicker. No need to stop and get it out of their feet. Instead, they shift the ball in one go, taking it through 360 degrees at top speed.
You can encourage players to try the same thing. One of the benefits of playing futsal is that the smaller, less bouncy ball makes it much easier to master the skill.
5. Futsal creates intelligent defenders
Defending in futsal is a real skill. Again, it’s down to the ball. A futsal ball is easier to control, so defenders must be patient and clever.
Plus, the rules allow only five fouls per team per half. This discourages players from giving fouls away. After all, the sixth time around, the other team will get a penalty.
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